Down Home envisions a community where everyone lives in a supported, stable and nurturing home. That’s why our mission is to EMPOWER lives by furnishing homes for families and individuals emerging from homelessness. Our deeper purpose is to provide an environment they can embrace, breath, feel safe and secure, and empower families and individuals to build connections, be determined to succeed, be involved in community, and ultimately break the cycle of homelessness.
1. Committed to attending 6 hours of empowerment training.
2. Experienced homelessness AND/OR you have been at risk for homelessness.
3. Currently have housing OR you will attain housing within 1 month of completing the training.
4. Experienced barriers to being able to furnish your home.
5. Have transportation to attend ALL sessions which will take place at Down Home.
6. Committed to completing a Pay It Forward plan.
1. Successful completion of all SIX hours is required to receive furnishings & decor.
2. Since Empower Up is completely funded by Down Home, DH reserves the right to determine AND/OR adjust program details and use of resources.
3. Down Home isn’t responsible for unsuccessful completion of Empower Up thus the forfeiting of furnishings & decor.
4. Down Home does not provide childcare.
BONUS: Your participation in the Empower Up is an invitation to be a part of the Down Home family. You will be invited to our Down Home Christmas + other opportunities throughout the year.
In collaboration with Upstream Growth Consultants, Empower Up provides cognitive behavioral and emotional intelligence training that guides participants through a process that empowers them take control of their lives, relationships, and state-of-mind; today and every day. This transformative process teaches them to identify the thoughts and behaviors that have led to negative outcomes and how to develop new thinking habits that will create positive ones.
To fulfill our mission of creating a nurturing and stable home, Empower Up provides participants tools to:
· Clearly see how current thinking affects their lives
· Control how they think and feel and behave
& influence the outcomes in their lives.
· Communicate effectively
· Prevent others from pushing their buttons
· Become assertive
· Manage emotions such as anger, stress, anxiety
· Break generational cycles and overcome trauma
· Improve relationships in their lives
· Become more self-aware, self-disciplined
& other aware
· Increase emotional intelligence
· Live life. Not survive it.